Email Checker and Validator Tool

Use our free email checker to see if a specific email address is valid.

How does our email checker work?

We use the SMTP mail transfer protocol to check if the email address you entered is valid and working without sending emails to the recipient address. We also compare the email address to our databases to detect spam traps and disposable emails, verify the email address syntax according to IETF standards, and if the Mail-Transfer-Agent has valid MX DNS records.

How to check if an email is valid

Finding out if an email address is valid doesn't have to be complicated. Whether you're verifying an old contact's details or ensuring you're not sending business emails into the void, using the right tools and methods can save time and boost your efficiency.

Use free email verifiers

Utilize free email verifiers, such as our own tool, to check email address validity efficiently. These verifiers quickly analyze whether an email conforms to expected formats and domain checks, making it easy to verify large lists of emails without hassle.

Just Google it

Sometimes, all it takes to verify an email is a quick Google search. Typing the email address into the search bar can reveal whether it’s associated with any public profiles or companies, providing a clue about its validity.

Send an Email to the Address

One straightforward method to check if an email is valid is by simply sending a message to the address. If the email bounces back, it's likely invalid. This method is easy but not foolproof, as some invalid emails may not immediately bounce.

Use Password Recovery

Trying the password recovery option on popular platforms like Gmail or Yahoo can indicate if an email is active. If the platform recognizes the email, it's likely valid. However, this should be done cautiously to respect privacy and security.

Why use an email verifier

Verifying an email address is essential for maintaining effective communication, whether adding new emails to your list or trying to reach someone. It ensures that your messages reach real people, enhancing engagement and reducing the risk of your emails being marked as spam.

By verifying email addresses, you can significantly improve your email deliverability rates and maintain a reputable sender score, which is very important to the success of your email campaigns too. It’s also a way to filter out potentially harmful or fraudulent contacts from your database, securing your information and that of your contacts.

Sending an email to an invalid address

Sending an email to an invalid address can lead to several negative consequences:

  • Increased Bounce Rates: When emails are sent to invalid addresses, they return as undeliverable. High bounce rates can harm your sender's reputation, which is crucial for email marketing and regular communications.
  • Reduced Email Deliverability: A poor sender reputation, exacerbated by high bounce rates, can decrease the overall deliverability of your emails. This means even valid addresses may not receive your emails if spam filters start blocking your communications.
  • Wasted Resources: Each email sent incurs a cost, whether in terms of bandwidth, effort, or direct financial costs associated with marketing campaigns. Sending to invalid addresses means these resources are wasted.
  • Inaccurate Analytics: Invalid email addresses skew the metrics used to measure the success of email campaigns, such as engagement rates and conversion rates. This makes it difficult to assess and improve the effectiveness of your campaigns.